A Lullaby for the Midnight Sun - When the Polar Day Dreams, in the Land of the Eternal Light - Poem Lyrics in English


A Lullaby for the Midnight Sun - When the Polar Day Dreams, in the Land of the Eternal Light - Poem Lyrics in English

In the land of the eternal light,

Where the polar day dreams in hues so bright.

A lullaby for the midnight sun, gentle and near,

As it bathes the landscape in a luminescent cheer.

In the never-ending day, where shadows play,

The midnight sun waltzes, in the gentlest way.

A lullaby echoes in the Arctic air,

As the sun caresses, with a tender glare.

Mountains and fjords adorned in the midnight's gold,

A lullaby for the sun, a story untold.

Whispers of warmth in the endless day,

As the polar sun dreams in its own way.

Reflective waters mirror the sun's embrace,

A lullaby for the midnight, a serene grace.

The tundra and icefields in the soft twilight,

As the sun dreams on in the eternal light.

So, close your eyes, let the lullaby start,

For the midnight sun, a melody from the heart.

In the land of perpetual day and night,

A lullaby for the sun, in the eternal light.

In the land of eternal light, where the midnight sun does gleam,

A lullaby for the polar day, in the realm of a tranquil dream.

When the sun never sets, and the day dreams on,

In the land of eternal light, where the midnight sun is drawn.

A Lullaby for the Midnight Sun - When the Polar Day Dreams, in the Land of the Eternal Light - Poem Lyrics in English

With each gentle breeze, a whisper in the air,

A lullaby for the midnight sun, beyond compare.

In the soft glow of twilight, where dreams do roam,

In the land of eternal light, we find our home.

Oh, lullaby for the midnight sun, your melody so dear,

In the land of eternal light, our hearts feel clear.

As the polar day dreams, in its radiant flight,

We drift into slumber, in the softest light.

So let us embrace the lullaby's soothing tune,

As we dance in the midnight sun's eternal boon.

For in the land of eternal light, we find,

A lullaby for the midnight sun, forever kind.

In the land of eternal light, where the polar day dreams,

A lullaby for the midnight sun softly gleams,

As it casts its golden rays upon the endless sky,

In the land where the sun never says goodbye.

The midnight sun, a beacon in the night,

In the land of eternal light, where dreams take flight,

Its gentle warmth blankets the frozen land,

In the polar day's embrace, where time stands.

As the world slumbers beneath its radiant glow,

The midnight sun sings a lullaby soft and low,

A melody of warmth and comfort it weaves,

In the land of eternal light, where wonder believes.

Through the endless day, the lullaby plays on,

In the land where the midnight sun reigns strong,

A soothing rhythm in the polar day's embrace,

In the land of eternal light, a tranquil space.

So let us drift away on the lullaby's song,

In the land where the polar day belongs,

For in the lullaby for the midnight sun, we find,

A moment of peace in the eternal light's kind.

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